thoughts. +
I was freaking eighteen years old already and I don't even know why I cried at the God-knows-how-many-times I've re-read Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. I just finished it a minute ago, and here I am, in my dormitory room --oh, yes, a dormitory-- with puffy eyes and silently weeping because my roommate is still awake.

The thing with children book --is Harry Potters series considered as a children book? I thought it was, but the seventh one? Let's just assume that it was too-- I repeat, the thing with children book is, as you grow older, you have seen much more thing than your younger self, and all the problem in the book; the thing, the facts, the inside jokes, the nasty language; you realize that the book is somewhat left you a message, a deep message that maybe the children can not even decipher.

This freaking book, the very last book from Harry Potter series, had taught children how to not behave badly to get what they want. To love people well. To fight the bad side. To fight for the weak.

But then, did the children actually know and understand about the sacrifices, the dark fear that almost everyone had, the secret behind Hermione's fear of being spelled and all of potterhead theories, the true love in loving someone, all the pride, all the hate, all the joy, how Narcissa protect Harry just for seeing her Draco, the marauder's lively friendship, all the mischief, Sirius's twelve years of waiting, how Ron's fury to Harry on the fourth book, all the pain of Snape hiding his love for Lily, all the shame Slughorn held in his head, all of Fudge's fear for Voldemort, all of Voldemort weaknesses...

And don't forget that bitch Umbridge; even we can forgive Snape and the Malfoys, but not Umbridge.

What I mean is, this freaking children book is amazing. Go search Harry Potter text post on tumblr and you will find dozen text about people scrumming down Harry Potter facts and connecting it with actual science; psychology theories and logical thinking about why this character did this, why was this happening, why wasn't that instead --and even though it is part of the fandom's guess, it is still true, and we can actually relate it to the book. That is why this series is amazing --no, that is why literary work is amazing.

Go read this series for the last time, if you want to. I think if we re-read it with different knowledge of the world, we might get the actual meaning of the writer's intention, not mentioning the deep ones. And maybe that is why we always here in the fandom, until the very last time, because we love this book so much, and also the characters, and the story, and of course the world inside it.

And remember your answer if people ask you if you are still re-reading this book after all this time,


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+ posted on 20161226 at 21:28