I Refused +

She refused this as a foreshadowing, but she was not, really, she was not glad that she listened to His album for the first time with great care that day. What she meant was that she really paid attention to the melody, and realised for the first time that they were good, and why she didn’t really listen to it at the first place? She genuinely enjoyed the songs, really, and she planned to move a few of her favourite to her phone.

And then that happened. And she refused, she refused dearly, that it was perhaps a sign; a sign that leaded to something very, very wrong.

That night when she tried to control her tears, and failed miserably, she thought of it over and over. What if she didn’t listen to them? She knew that it wasn’t that her action would delay and cancelled everything that happened the night after that, but she couldn’t help but wondering. Was that really a sign? Were people around the world experienced the same thing as her?

When she thought about this now, it was pointless to weep over this again and again. It was not like her tears would bring him back.

All that mattered now was the people he left behind. And that was including the whole world that listened to him dearly; those people who were always praying for his happiness and health, those people who were not as clueless as they thought, yet they missed the hint.

If only.

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+ posted on 20180201 at 18:11