I stare at my reflection. When I smile, she smiles. When I
frown, she frowns. When I point the gun’s tip to my head, she does it too. And
then there is blood running down our face, like honey dripping down from the
bee’s nest. It is blue, not red, and when I push my index finger into the hole,
it lets out the blue blood intensely.
The blue blood is making such a messy mess in this room. But
it adds the colour. This room is lacking of colour. The wall is white, and the
bed is too, and the lamp, and everything. The only coloured thing inside this
room is me, and my blood now.
I twist my finger before I pull it out. It is blue, and I
have learned the beauty of it. Blue is not hollow, blue is not cold like the
colour white. I don’t like the colour white. It is boring.
I expect someone running
down the aisle and bang the door, and then yelling at me for what I have done
to myself. But nobody come around. I look at the white door with desperate eye,
is there nobody want to yell at me? I missed being shout at.
Instead, something
circular like a plate slide its way down towards me. It is the sucking-robot,
as I call it. Because whenever I shoot myself like this, this robot will always
come and clean the floor with a super speed.
“Hello, Mr Robot, how are
you today?”
The sucking-robot just
buzzes in return. It has some kind of circling light on its top, it is like
blinking at me.
“So what is for dinner
today, Mr Robot?”
It buzzes twice, and I
take that as an ‘I don’t know’.
“Oh, very well, then, I
will take everything for dinner today.”
The robot is nearly done
with its job. It takes its last spin and the last drop of my blue blood is gone
under its circular legs.
“Good bye, Mr Robot,” I
say as the robot slides away from me. “I am looking forward for the dinner!”
I hear a faint click as
the robot disappears through a small square door in the left of the room. Now I
really wonder what’s for dinner today.
Labels: english, Short Story